Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

Yearly Archives: 2015

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Diseases That Cause Back Pain

There are many different causes for back pain and they can range from simple strains to something much more serious. Obviously if you’re in a great deal of pain you should consider seeing a top spine specialist to get a diagnosis.  A lot of spinal problems are caused by mechanical problems or severe injury or trauma to the spine. But sometimes you can be afflicted by diseases that cause back pain.

Common Causes of Back Pain in Seniors

Chronic back pain is a common problem reported by about 50 percent of adults living in community care facilities, according to one study. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a disabling and challenging pain condition affecting older adults, who sometimes have to seek out professionals or the top spine specialist to find answers for their problems.

There are three primary reasons back pain tends to get worse with aging:

  1. Decreased muscle strength and mass associated with aging (sarcopenia).This could be due to a decrease in number of muscle fibers, the size of the individual fibers or both.
  1. Fast twitch fiber atrophy is also associated with aging. This results in slower muscle contraction but this can be reversed with training.
    1. Decreased muscle attenuation is associated with aging muscle.

Causes of Back Pain

Causes of Back PainNoted pundit Charles Barkley once divided the world into two camps: people who have bad backs and people who don’t. If you would like the relatively blissful existence of the latter, then you should take the advice of doctors, and spinal surgeons in NJ, about simple way to prevent back pain.

Here are five habits that put your back at risk and some simple strategies to stop them before the damage is done.

How to Keep Skin Healthy During Pregnancy

Pregnancy and Skin HealthSkin professionals and will tell you, pregnancy puts some strain on your skin. While carrying your bundle of joy will probably be worth it, don’t be surprised by bouts of acne, unwanted hair growth and other skin problems that only happen because of pregnancy.

What you might not know is that there are certain skincare products that aren’t safe to use and you might want some professional guidance on what products you can use.  When you are thinking of becoming pregnant or right after you hear the joyous news you should consult a dermatologist in NJ for advice, but in the meantime here are some tips on keeping your skin healthy during a pregnancy.

7 Skincare Tips For Summer

Summer Skincare TipsSo you’ve survived the harsh climate changed winter and you’re looking forward to bathing in the hot sun. Yet your skin has been wrapped up for months and you need some way to prepare for the different challenges posed by sunshine. Here are seven skincare tips for when it’s hot out, as told by skincare experts and echoed by certified dermatologists in New Jersey. Some of these gems of advice are meant to make you look pretty, while others are meant to protect your health, such as drinking water and using sunscreen.

Dangers of Smoking

Dangers of Smoking
Dangers of Smoking

One of the most common medical questions revolves around smoking. Smokers want to know the dangers of smoking and how quitting can help. Once a person stops smoking, how quickly can they reduce their risks and regain their health? The truth is that smoking negatively affects every aspect of your health, from minor inconveniences to major health issues and possible death. The dangers of smoking are very real, but preventable.

Cigarettes contain a variety of harmful ingredients that are not meant for human consumption. Formaldehyde, arson, tar and a long list of other damaging chemicals combine to create a potentially lethal combination. The effects don’t take place overnight, but over time. The risk for serious health problems increases with repeated use.

Common Causes of Stomach Pain

Causes of Stomach Pain
Causes of Stomach Pain

Everyone has been through abdominal pain. The question becomes is this something due to temporary indigestion or is it something more serious? Without the diagnostic skills of your friendly gastrointestinal doctor in Queens what are the known symptoms of serious abdominal pain? And what are the causes of serious stomach pain?

Symptoms of Stomach Distress

Everyone has been through the kind of stomach pain that comes and goes. This is usually the result of either what we’ve eaten or if we’ve eaten too much. But there are more serious causes of stomach pain and these are defined as the more serious symptoms:

The Best Diet for Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin
Healthy Skin

You are what you eat isn’t just an old saying. It’s actually scientifically documented by many studies. All of these studies say, in one form or another, that what you eat determines your skin condition. Here are seven common foods, according to trial studies as well as advice from a top dermatologist in NJ that will help to keep your skin healthy and clear and, in one case, even fight skin cancer.