Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

Dental Health

Healthy Teeth

What Causes a Toothache

Toothache“This toothache is killing me!” Okay, this might be an exaggeration, but if you have a toothache now, or have ever had one in the past, you probably don’t think so. Anyone who has never had a toothache cannot possibly know the pain, not to mention the disruption it can cause in your life. You have trouble eating because you can only eat on one side of your mouth, and you often can’t stand any food that’s too cold or too hot. (And how many of the foods you love does this eliminate? In those cold Essex County winters, you can’t drink anything hot, and in those warm Jersey summers, you can’t eat anything cold!) You have trouble sleeping because the pain keeps you awake unless you reach, yet again, for pain killers. Yes, a toothache only seems like it’s not a big deal to a person who’s not suffering from one. So what caused your toothache?

Foods You Eat That Can Harm Your Teeth

Foods You Eat That Can Harm Your Teeth

Some foods that harm your teeth are obvious. For instance, everybody knows sticky, sugary candies are bad for teeth. Most of us also likely know that sugary carbonated beverages are bad for teeth. But did you know that ice can also harm your teeth? And what about coffee? How bad (or good) is coffee for your teeth? Arming yourself with valuable information about the different foods you eat that can harm your teeth is the first step to taking control of your oral hygiene. And it may just be the most important step. Following is valuable information from top dentists in Clearwater regarding some of the most harmful foods for the health of your teeth and all their supportive structures.

Natural Ways to Prevent a Toothache

5 Natural Ways to Prevent a Toothache

The causes of a toothache are many. Thankfully, the preventions are many more. For most people, preventing a toothache is often as easy as eating the right kinds of foods and setting aside just a few minutes each day to concentrate on good oral care. Staving off a toothache naturally can be the simplest and most cost effective way to living a life free of tooth and mouth problems. Top dentists in Essex County offer the following five natural ways to prevent a toothache in order to remain tooth-pain-free.

You already know it, but it bears repeating: preventing a toothache starts by preventing tooth problems in the first place. Unless you’re battling a situation that makes toothache prevention difficult such as dry mouth caused by medications or a medical condition, in most cases, bad oral hygiene is the root cause of toothaches. So wait … then doesn’t that mean that good oral hygiene is the root cause of prevention? Absolutely!