Aging is inevitable—but looking radiant, youthful, and confident as you age? That’s totally in your hands! Gone are the days…

Aging is inevitable—but looking radiant, youthful, and confident as you age? That’s totally in your hands! Gone are the days…
While it’s relatively new as an academic subject, lifestyle medicine essentially promotes much of what we already regard as good…
This guest post was written by Shari Duddy
Shari Duddy is a Yoga teacher and educator in New Jersey. Shari has many years of experience teaching Yoga
A lot of men believe that yoga is for women. In fact, it’s rare to see men in yoga classes. Most yoga teachers admit that the majority of their classes are made up of women. However, this is a sad fact for most yoga teachers because they’re fully aware of the great number of benefits men can reap from practicing yoga. For instance, if you’re a man who often faces stressful days on the job, you’re likely bringing those stressors home with you. And that increased stress at work can put stress on your relationships. But that isn’t all stress can do to your life. It can cause your body to become less able to function, piling health problem on top of health problem as you get older. Yoga can help you learn to relax and put your mind, as well as your body, at ease, thereby reducing the stress you feel in every area of your life. Yoga can also increase your strength and your flexibility. And if that’s not enough to get you to try yoga, what would you say to the knowledge that yoga can even increase your potency as a man? Thought so.
This guest post was written by Shari Duddy
Shari Duddy is a Yoga teacher and educator in New Jersey. Shari has many years of experience teaching Yoga
Yoga has been around for a very long time. It dates back to ancient times, more than 5,000 years ago, with many yoga and health experts saying even longer. Though many of the earliest recorded yoga practices have been lost or destroyed, there is still enough of that early information in existence and available today to see where current yoga practices and poses come from, regardless of the changes that have occurred over the centuries. So why is it still around? And why is it even more popular today than ever before? The answers are simple. Yoga has many health benefits. Today, yoga is widely practiced in the United States and throughout the world because of those benefits to mind and body. Experienced and knowledgeable yoga teachers recommend it for the many number of advantages it gives to mental and physical well-being. And, though many folks consider yoga’s benefits to be intangible, the truth is that yoga can bring many tangible health benefits as well.
The causes of a toothache are many. Thankfully, the preventions are many more. For most people, preventing a toothache is often as easy as eating the right kinds of foods and setting aside just a few minutes each day to concentrate on good oral care. Staving off a toothache naturally can be the simplest and most cost effective way to living a life free of tooth and mouth problems. Top dentists in Essex County offer the following five natural ways to prevent a toothache in order to remain tooth-pain-free.
You already know it, but it bears repeating: preventing a toothache starts by preventing tooth problems in the first place. Unless you’re battling a situation that makes toothache prevention difficult such as dry mouth caused by medications or a medical condition, in most cases, bad oral hygiene is the root cause of toothaches. So wait … then doesn’t that mean that good oral hygiene is the root cause of prevention? Absolutely!
Preparing food nowadays is so much more complicated than ever before. If you want to eat healthy, it is advisable to check labels closely to fully understand the components of what you will be ingesting. If you simply run into the grocery store and toss a few items in your cart without a care in the world, instead of perusing the product carefully, the old adage of “what you see is what you get” may just apply to you.
In recent years, the words “organic” and “natural” have become more prevalent in our vocabulary. You might have seen the ads or articles that promote eating healthy and that you should opt for better choices by choosing “organic” or “natural” foods. But what does this mean exactly?
The internet is chock full of helpful hints on how to take care of yourself. You could follow the advice of celebrities on how to stay healthy and fit, or, why not rely on healthy and natural products instead of high-priced products with potentially harmful ingredients which may not get the desired result in the long run? Always bear in mind, that as good as a celebrity looks, that person no doubt has a chef on hand to prepare their meals, a professional makeup artist and hair stylist, as well as a personal trainer to help maintain their fitness routine. You can’t compete with a celebrity, so why not just be YOU and benefit from some of these helpful daily health tips to let YOU put your best face forward and keep your body up to par.
Constipation is a problem for many people, it is something that can have a direct impact on our overall health and can also cause long term damage to our bodies. Constipation can be a sign of an unhealthy diet or stress or that you aren’t getting enough water or it can be a sign of another medical condition. If you are constipated often you should go to a gastroenterologist in Flushing and get a check up.
The recent death of character actor, Abe Vigoda, caused the media to haul out sound bites and videos of some of his most memorable scenes. Of course, there was dialogue of Vigoda playing Tessio in “The Godfather”, as well as his character Fish in the “Barney Miller” series. But oddly enough, many of the sound bites and still shots of Fish in “Barney Miller” had that character’s hand dipping into a box of prunes while extolling their virtues. He said “I’ve been eating prunes for 40 years. When I was 13, I gave a girl a necklace of prune pits. Her mother thought I was into voodoo.”
Medically speaking, it’s an infection of the outer ear canal. Most people know it as ‘swimmer’s ear.’ The problem with this title is that it’s not very descriptive. In fact, it’s even deceptive. Many people think that, because they’re not swimmers, or because they don’t swim very often, they won’t get swimmer’s ear. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. If you’re someone who showers or bathes (and hopefully you are), you can get swimmer’s ear. Though it is true that swimmers tend to experience it more often (hence, the name), it’s also true that all it takes is one time of excessive moisture to get into your ear for you to develop an outer ear canal infection. The symptoms of swimmer’s ear are easy to know, and of swimmer’s ear treatments, there are several. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, you likely have swimmer’s ear: redness in the ear canal; pain in the ear canal; discharge from the ear, either an odorless, colorless fluid, or in more severe cases, pus discharge; muffled hearing; full feeling within the ear (caused by swelling and/or blockage). If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, your swimmer’s ear infection has progressed, and it’s important to see a doctor: severe pain that may have radiated to face, neck, inside the head; fever; swelling of lymph nodes. The good news, though, about swimmers ear is that there are home remedies that can reduce or even eliminate your symptoms.
Everybody’s looking for ways to get healthy. And most of us wouldn’t mind finding little shortcuts to that good health. In fact, daily health tips are among the most trending Internet subjects ever, and the reason is pretty obvious. People are too busy these days to spend hours every day at the gym or reading about staying healthy. They’d rather do it! And that’s why apple cider vinegar has gained so much popularity in the United States and throughout the world. But it’s not just a fleeting fad, like many other daily health tips you read about. The health benefits of apple cider vinegar have been known for centuries. It’s been used for a number of ailments for thousands of years. Thankfully, its use throughout history as a health booster has been recorded and is still known today. In fact, today apple cider vinegar’s effectiveness for aiding in the cure of many medical conditions is even more prevalent than ever. It’s also been known throughout history that apple cider vinegar has many cosmetic uses. Following is helpful information about some of the most beneficial uses for apple cider vinegar.