Impossible, right? Actually, it’s very possible. As a parent, you probably cringe every year about this time thinking about all that candy your kids are going to get on their fun night of trick-or-treating. And all that sugar swishing around in their mouths, well, it’s on a mission to destroy your kid’s teeth and tooth structures. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are things you can do as a parent to help your kids get through Halloween and all its sugary ghoulishness without coming out on the other end with a mouth full of cavities.
What you eat has a huge impact on your oral health. It seems so obvious, doesn’t it? Pretty much everything we eat or drink touches our teeth in one way or another. We chew certain foods. We drink liquids, and they pass over our teeth. So, if everything we eat has an impact on our teeth, then why do so many of us not consider our teeth and our diets when we’re considering what to have for lunch? The fact is that diet plays a huge role in dental health, but not just because foods and beverages come into direct contact with our teeth. The nutrients found (or not found) in foods also play a vital role in the health of our teeth. Following are answers to common oral health questions about how various vitamins and minerals affect the health of your teeth.
When you hear people talking about ‘recession,’ they’re never talking about anything good. An economic recession can have an impact on your wallet, your job, and your lifestyle. And, believe it or not, so can gum recession. Recessed, or receding, gums can cause bacteria to build up in your mouth. They can cause gaps to form between the teeth. They can even cause the roots of teeth to become exposed, and that can cause pain. So what causes gum recession? Is it something that happens with age, or can young people have recessed gums, too? And, the most important question of all is there anything you can do to prevent gum recession? These are some of the most common dental questions asked of dentists concerning recessed gums.