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Author page: Shari Duddy

Spiritual Wellness

Yoga for Men

This guest post was written by Shari Duddy

Shari Duddy is a Yoga teacher and educator in New Jersey. Shari has many years of experience teaching Yoga

A lot of men believe that yoga is for women. In fact, it’s rare to see men in yoga classes. Most yoga teachers admit that the majority of their classes are made up of women. However, this is a sad fact for most yoga teachers because they’re fully aware of the great number of benefits men can reap from practicing yoga. For instance, if you’re a man who often faces stressful days on the job, you’re likely bringing those stressors home with you. And that increased stress at work can put stress on your relationships. But that isn’t all stress can do to your life. It can cause your body to become less able to function, piling health problem on top of health problem as you get older. Yoga can help you learn to relax and put your mind, as well as your body, at ease, thereby reducing the stress you feel in every area of your life. Yoga can also increase your strength and your flexibility. And if that’s not enough to get you to try yoga, what would you say to the knowledge that yoga can even increase your potency as a man? Thought so.

How to Reduce Stress

How to Reduce Stress

Stress sometimes overtakes our lives, we are a society on the go and something or someone always needs our attention.  Sometimes we just need to have a few moments to ourselves away from it all to unwind.  First, it is good to recognize stress and realize you need to take a “time out” and be by yourself.  Now, you need to know how to combat stress.

Everyone has different stress triggers.  For the woman in the house, it may be taking care of the children and house while her husband is at work, though, that scenario is fading fast as most families have a two-income household.  For some women managing both the domestic and work duties prove to be a little too much.  Early mornings are frenetic getting kids fed, dressed and out the door.  For some commuters, the traffic rattles them and sets them on edge.  A CEO may be stressed out by responsibilities, while subordinates are stressed and anxious because the big boss expresses angst or anger or… they feel they’ll be the CEO’s next target.  For the worker bee, often the stress is an everyday torment; some people take it in stride and leave the stress behind at the workplace door, while others carry it home with them.  What kind of person are you – what are your stress triggers and how do you resolve them?

Painful varicose and spider veins on female legs. Woman massaging tired leg

Types of Varicose Veins

When most people hear the term varicose veins, they automatically think that it means because you have varicose veins that they are only present in your legs.  However, you might be surprised to know that varicose veins are present in other parts of your body as well.  There are a few different types of varicose veins and many different options to get rid of each one of these types depending on the vein itself, type of varicose vein, the colors, sizes, etc.  Below, we will be talking about all types as well as treatment for each one available. 

Benefits of Yoga

Health Benefits of Yoga

This guest post was written by Shari Duddy

Shari Duddy is a Yoga teacher and educator in New Jersey. Shari has many years of experience teaching Yoga

Yoga has been around for a very long time. It dates back to ancient times, more than 5,000 years ago, with many yoga and health experts saying even longer. Though many of the earliest recorded yoga practices have been lost or destroyed, there is still enough of that early information in existence and available today to see where current yoga practices and poses come from, regardless of the changes that have occurred over the centuries. So why is it still around? And why is it even more popular today than ever before? The answers are simple. Yoga has many health benefits. Today, yoga is widely practiced in the United States and throughout the world because of those benefits to mind and body. Experienced and knowledgeable yoga teachers recommend it for the many number of advantages it gives to mental and physical well-being. And, though many folks consider yoga’s benefits to be intangible, the truth is that yoga can bring many tangible health benefits as well.

Painful varicose and spider veins on female legs. Woman massaging tired leg

Most Common Vein Conditions

There are many types of vein conditions that people develop over the course of their lifetimes.  Many people are genetically predisposed to develop venous issues and suffer with longstanding vein disease, where others breeze through life with just minor vein issues in later years.  Anyone who has had vein disease for many years is at increased risk for developing Chronic Venous Insufficiency (often abbreviated as “CVI”).  CVI is an umbrella term for the more advanced stages of venous disease.  This would include swelling of the ankle and leg, or edema, stasis dermatitis and venous ulcer.  Probably the most-common vein condition, and the one most people are familiar with, is the malady of varicose veins.  A brief synopsis of each of these vein conditions is discussed below:

Healthy Teeth

What Causes a Toothache

Toothache“This toothache is killing me!” Okay, this might be an exaggeration, but if you have a toothache now, or have ever had one in the past, you probably don’t think so. Anyone who has never had a toothache cannot possibly know the pain, not to mention the disruption it can cause in your life. You have trouble eating because you can only eat on one side of your mouth, and you often can’t stand any food that’s too cold or too hot. (And how many of the foods you love does this eliminate? In those cold Essex County winters, you can’t drink anything hot, and in those warm Jersey summers, you can’t eat anything cold!) You have trouble sleeping because the pain keeps you awake unless you reach, yet again, for pain killers. Yes, a toothache only seems like it’s not a big deal to a person who’s not suffering from one. So what caused your toothache?

Is Sugar Addictive?

Is Sugar AddictiveOf sugar, New York Knicks basketball player Derrick Rose says, “Everyone’s got their poison; mine’s sugar.” Perhaps calling sugar a ‘poison’ is a bit strong, but the truth is that sugar—particularly the processed stuff—is not very good for you. In fact, many healthcare professionals and nutritionists now are actually calling sugar an addictive substance. If you look up the term ‘addictive’ in a thesaurus, similar words are ‘habit-forming,’ ‘obsessive,’ and yes, even ‘enslaving.’ But how addictive is sugar, really? Following are some important daily health tips about the potential addictive qualities of sugar that will help you decide for yourself how much sugar is too much.

How to Improve Digestion

How to Improve DigestionGood digestion is vital to good health. Your digestive system is important because it’s where important nutrients your body needs to thrive are absorbed. Sadly, digestive problems have been on the rise ever since the food manufacturing industry learned to process foods for more bulk and longer shelf life. The modern American diet is sorely lacking in means of keeping our digestive systems working optimally. Processed foods can spike blood sugar, and they often contain little nutritional value. Additionally, today’s busy families often don’t sit down to dinner together for what used to be known as a ‘home-cooked meal.’ What often results is parents and children alike often reaching for quick foods that are ready fast and don’t provide nutrients necessary to keep the digestive tract, as well as all the other systems of the body, healthy and functioning properly. In fact, processed foods that are bad for digestion rarely are satisfying for the simple reason that they provide no value to your body, making you consume more and more of them to feel full. Following are some valuable recommendations from GI doctors in Flushing on how you can improve your digestion and begin feeling better almost instantly!  For more help with your digestion contact a top GI doctor near you.