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With over 11 million people worldwide having dabbled in Botox, it has quickly become one of the most popular nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. It has a variety of uses, with the most common being for wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, and around the mouth. Cosmetic Botox injections are a very safe choice for rejuvenating your appearance, especially when performed by an experienced doctor. With zero downtime, you can shave about 10 years from your face in 20 minutes or less.

In today’s society, people want to stop aging in its tracks, even going as far as attempting to prevent it from happening altogether. People younger and younger are getting cosmetic Botox injections in order to stop wrinkles and fine lines before they get the chance to appear. By injecting the muscles that usually cause wrinkles to form, you are able to prevent them before they even happen. Since deeper lines can be harder to treat, it’s a good idea to get preventative Botox if you are concerned about facial wrinkles. With Botox injections approved for those 18 and up, many people are turning to preventative Botox procedures in their early 20s, which is a great time to get started on looking youthful forever!

What is Botox?

When most people think of Botox, they automatically think of celebrities with frozen faces. What most people don’t know is that Botox injections can actually be used for a multitude of issues, some not even cosmetic. Botox has been used for people suffering with hyperhidrosis, which is a condition that causes excessive sweating. Cosmetic Botox can be injected into places that often sweat a lot, like the underarms and hands. Botox injections use the botulinum toxin to block the nerve signals responsible for sweating, stopping the sweat glands from overproducing sweat. Cosmetic Botox injections can also be used to treat migraines by injecting onobotulinumtoxin into triggers points in the forehead, temples, and the back of the head and neck. Both uses of Botox are proven to be effective treatments for these issues, including many more.

How do Botox injections work?

To fully appreciate the fountain of youth that is Botox, it’s important to first understand how it actually works. Botox injections utilize a toxin called onobotulinumtoxinA to temporarily stop a muscle from moving. This toxin comes from the microbe that causes botulism, which is actually a type of food poisoning. In very small doses, it is perfectly safe for the human body. Botox injections block specific chemical signals from nerves, the majority of these signals being the ones telling the muscles to contract. Results from Botox injections will not be seen immediately when you leave the office; Botox has an onset time of about 3 to 7 days, meaning that the full results won’t be apparent until about a week has passed. To maintain the results of cosmetic Botox injections, one must get injections every couple of months, as it is not a permanent solution to fine lines and wrinkles. It may not be a permanent solution, but it definitely is the best solution for these beauty issues.

How does Botox work under the eyes?

Cosmetic Botox injections are highly successful treatments for wrinkles and fine lines all over the face. While Botox is not FDA approved for under the eyes, it has become a common off-label use. Studies have shown the patients receiving Botox injections in their lower eyelids along with the crow’s feet area found that they had positive results regarding the appearance of the skin under and around the eyes. Cosmetic Botox injections are able to make the lower eyelid appear fuller and plumper, ultimately providing a more youthful look by reducing bagginess in this area.

How can Botox injections be used around the lips and mouth?

Botox injections are also used around the lips, both for smile lines and to make the lips appear fuller. When injected into the lip area, Botox can help to minimize creases in the upper and lower lip area, elevate the corners of your mouth, remove marionette lines (lines that run downwards from the corners of your mouth), correct a gummy smile, and enhance the upper lip (this is known as a lip flip). While the smiles lines and wrinkles are self-explanatory, you may be wondering what a lip flip is and what its purpose is.

A lip flip is a procedure done with cosmetic Botox injections that makes your lips appear fuller. A doctor or other licensed professional will inject multiple units of Botox into the philtrum (upper middle part of the upper lip). By doing this, the muscles in that area will begin to relax, allowing for your top lip to curl upward. This helps make your upper lip look larger without adding any volume. It can almost mimic the appearance of lip filler, without the side effects of these injections. This technique also helps minimize the appearance of a gummy smile by allowing more of the lip to show, which in turn helps to cover the gums.

What is the average cost of cosmetic Botox?

The average cost of a Botox treatment in 2020 was around $466. The cost of cosmetic Botox injections is typically based on the amount of units used during the procedure, the location of the injections, and the type of medical professional who is performing it. Health insurance will not help cover Botox injections for cosmetic and aesthetic purposes, but for things like migraines and excessive sweating where Botox is considered medically necessary, insurance will most likely cover the cost. A single unit of Botox costs between $10 to $15, and an average treatment usually consists of up to 30 to 40 units.

Overall, Botox is a fabulous choice for minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, in addition to being a great medical tool for various ailments. A very safe procedure, cosmetic Botox injections are a top choice for many people wanting to look more youthful, as it has been found to be incredibly effective in reaching this goal. Done correctly, most people won’t even be able to notice what you had done, but what they will notice is the new glow you have, both from the smoothing of your skin and from the confidence Botox can give you. If you are worried about the aging process, starting cosmetic Botox injections sooner rather than later can keep you looking refreshed for many years to come.