Understanding and Addressing Deformational Plagiocephaly: Recent Advances Deformational plagiocephaly (DP), a condition characterized by an asymmetrical, flattened shape of an…

Understanding and Addressing Deformational Plagiocephaly: Recent Advances Deformational plagiocephaly (DP), a condition characterized by an asymmetrical, flattened shape of an…
If you notice that your newborn has a flat spot or abnormal head shape, the first thing you should do…
A craniofacial disorder or anomaly refers to a category of deformities in the growth of the head and facial bones. Anomaly is a medical term that means “different from normal” or “irregular.” These types of anomalies are congenital (present at birth) and can occur in many different forms. They can be mild or severe enough to warrant surgery. Sometimes, craniofacial disorders are also associated with disorders elsewhere in the body, causing further complications. In the U.S., nearly 600,000 people have been diagnosed with a craniofacial condition.