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Benefits of Stretching

Health Benefits of Stretching

Most of us know that stretching before engaging in any form of exercise is important. But how important is stretching to your daily routine? We stretch when we’re tired, and we stretch when we don’t want to be tired anymore—a fact that seems to indicate that stretching has benefits on both sides of the spectrum. And so it does. Stretching is an extremely beneficial and healthy means of getting oxygen to cells, and oxygen is what helps cells thrive. As a matter of fact, oxygen is so important to every single cell in our bodies that without it, we begin to die within minutes. The health benefits of stretching are many, including increasing blood circulation to all organs of your body; preventing you from getting injured, particularly while you’re exercising; helping you to develop more flexibility; boosting your endurance levels; increasing your energy levels; reducing cramping and aching; increasing your athletic performance ability; and even lifting your spirits. Following is information regarding daily health tips and benefits of stretching that will help explain why including daily stretching into your life.

How to Choose a Doctor

Choose a DoctorThe relationship between you and your doctor is a very personal one. That’s why finding the right Doctor can be so challenging. Finding a qualified and reputable physician with the right education and credentials is a given, but there are other characteristics to consider when ‘doctor shopping.’ Topping the list of important traits your patient-doctor relationship needs are respect and comfort. Your doctor must respect the fact that you are the patient, and that means he or she must appreciate that you will have questions and concerns that must be addressed. And, naturally, it’s vital that you feel comfortable with your doctor. Otherwise, you may not ask those necessary questions. Of course, you also have to take into consideration your health insurance company and specific plan’s requirements and options. Following are further details that will help you choose a doctor.

What is the Microbiome?

What is the MicrobiomeThe most succinct definition of the ‘Microbiome’ is the entirety of microorganisms and their accompanying genetic material that we have in our bodies. Wait–is there that much microorganism activity going on in our bodies that there’s a whole separate word for it–not to mention world encompassing it? Absolutely. In fact, in the breakdown of cells making up the human body, you might say we humans are about 90 percent inhuman! A better explanation of that statement would be that the human body includes literally trillions of microorganisms and their combined genetic matter. And therein lies the Microbiome. Following is more detailed information about the fascinating world of the Microbiome that will help you better understand the Microbiome and what it has to do with your health.

How to Prevent Dry Skin

Prevent Dry SkinAdditionally, all the areas of skin on your body are not created equally. Different skin areas are susceptible to different kinds of threats and by varying degrees, depending on the season. For instance, if you live in a cold climate you likely have experienced dry skin in those harsh winter months. However, just because you’re a warm-climate dweller, doesn’t mean you also don’t experience your share of dry-skin issues. Dry skin can cause skin to age prematurely. The face, neck, chest area, and hands are especially susceptible to looking old before their time, particularly if you’re someone who loves spending time out in the sun. And sometimes those skin moisturizers can do more harm than good. Some skin products actually contain so many chemicals that your skin probably would be better off if you didn’t use them at all. Following is information from dermatologists in New Jersey about how to prevent dry skin throughout the year.  For more info on preventing dry skin contact a dermatologist near you.

How to Live a Healthier Life

Live a Healthier LifeIt’s not hard to live a healthier life. In fact, living an unhealthy life is probably harder than making just one or two small changes toward that healthier life. That’s really all it takes—just one or two small steps—and you’re on your way to a healthier, more vibrant life where you’re doing all the things you enjoy. For instance, if you’re eating an unhealthy diet, you likely feel tired, run-down, unable to tackle all those things you need to get done in a day, let alone the things you want to do. But replace just a couple unhealthy foods and add a few steps here and there throughout your week and you’re well on your way to living that healthier life you so desire. If you’ve recently visited a top doctor near you and it was suggested you should get on the road to living a healthier life, here are valuable steps you can take on your journey.

Is Sugar Addictive?

Is Sugar AddictiveOf sugar, New York Knicks basketball player Derrick Rose says, “Everyone’s got their poison; mine’s sugar.” Perhaps calling sugar a ‘poison’ is a bit strong, but the truth is that sugar—particularly the processed stuff—is not very good for you. In fact, many healthcare professionals and nutritionists now are actually calling sugar an addictive substance. If you look up the term ‘addictive’ in a thesaurus, similar words are ‘habit-forming,’ ‘obsessive,’ and yes, even ‘enslaving.’ But how addictive is sugar, really? Following are some important daily health tips about the potential addictive qualities of sugar that will help you decide for yourself how much sugar is too much.

How to Improve Digestion

How to Improve DigestionGood digestion is vital to good health. Your digestive system is important because it’s where important nutrients your body needs to thrive are absorbed. Sadly, digestive problems have been on the rise ever since the food manufacturing industry learned to process foods for more bulk and longer shelf life. The modern American diet is sorely lacking in means of keeping our digestive systems working optimally. Processed foods can spike blood sugar, and they often contain little nutritional value. Additionally, today’s busy families often don’t sit down to dinner together for what used to be known as a ‘home-cooked meal.’ What often results is parents and children alike often reaching for quick foods that are ready fast and don’t provide nutrients necessary to keep the digestive tract, as well as all the other systems of the body, healthy and functioning properly. In fact, processed foods that are bad for digestion rarely are satisfying for the simple reason that they provide no value to your body, making you consume more and more of them to feel full. Following are some valuable recommendations from GI doctors in Flushing on how you can improve your digestion and begin feeling better almost instantly!  For more help with your digestion contact a top GI doctor near you.

The Secret to Happiness

The Secret to HappinessMaking other people happy, doing what you love, money, freedom, falling in love, living a healthier life—these are just a handful of the answers you’ll get if you ask the question, “What is the secret to happiness?” But, seriously, what is happiness’ secret? If you were able to ask happiness if it had a secret, what do you think it would say? This mystical inquest doubtless has been at the forefront of human pursuit since the beginning of time. So has anyone ever really come up with an answer for this question? That is, has anyone come up with a real, concrete, and more important, a demonstrable solution to this seemingly unanswerable query? If you were to explore just what translates into the state of ‘happiness,’ where would that exploration take you? Let’s take a look.

How to Make The Colon Happy

How to Make Your Colon HappyIs your colon happy? Yes, you read that right. The question was: Is your colon happy? Think about it. You spend so much of your time making sure you’re building a happy home, a happy family, a happy childhood for your kids. You worry if your boss is happy with your work. You may even wonder if your bank account is happy. But you likely never think about whether your colon is happy. But the truth is when your colon is unhappy, you’re unhappy. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, there are a number of steps you can take to ensure that your colon is healthy. And the great thing about colons is that when they’re healthy, they’re happy. Here are some valuable tips from gastroenterologists in Queens that can help you turn your colon’s frown upside down.

Health Risks of Nicotine

Health Risks of NicotineNicotine organically occurs in tobacco plants, but tobacco isn’t the only plant where it can be found. In fact, nicotine actually occurs in the leaves of some of the foods you eat, including tomato plants. Nicotine is a hotly debated subject, perhaps due to the fact that it can have both negative and (seemingly) positive effects on the body. However, because nicotine can be deeply addictive, its effects on both the body as well as the brain are largely negative. And, though nicotine is most prevalent in tobacco cigarettes, today’s e-cigarettes can also contain nicotine, a fact that can cause health risks. Following is valuable information about the nicotine contained within these products, as well as tips for healthy living that may help you to make a final choice about your personal use of nicotine.