November is Stomach Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about this often-overlooked disease and highlight the importance of…
Making other people happy, doing what you love, money, freedom, falling in love, living a healthier life—these are just a handful of the answers you’ll get if you ask the question, “What is the secret to happiness?” But, seriously, what is happiness’ secret? If you were able to ask happiness if it had a secret, what do you think it would say? This mystical inquest doubtless has been at the forefront of human pursuit since the beginning of time. So has anyone ever really come up with an answer for this question? That is, has anyone come up with a real, concrete, and more important, a demonstrable solution to this seemingly unanswerable query? If you were to explore just what translates into the state of ‘happiness,’ where would that exploration take you? Let’s take a look.

Perhaps Louis Armstrong sang it best in the song “When You’re Smiling”
When you’re smilin’, when you’re smilin’,
The whole world smiles with you.
When you’re laughin’, when you’re laughin,’
The sun comes shinin’ through.
It’s hard not to smile back when a friend, or even a total stranger, flashes you a smile on the street.
That’s because smiling is infectious.
And today’s daily health tip is that smiling is good for your health! Well fancy that.
The internet is chock full of helpful hints on how to take care of yourself. You could follow the advice of celebrities on how to stay healthy and fit, or, why not rely on healthy and natural products instead of high-priced products with potentially harmful ingredients which may not get the desired result in the long run? Always bear in mind, that as good as a celebrity looks, that person no doubt has a chef on hand to prepare their meals, a professional makeup artist and hair stylist, as well as a personal trainer to help maintain their fitness routine. You can’t compete with a celebrity, so why not just be YOU and benefit from some of these helpful daily health tips to let YOU put your best face forward and keep your body up to par.
Nothing saps your energy and keeps you from feeling your best like a head cold, no matter what the time of year. Colds can come at any time, and flu season typically runs from October through May, peaking in February. You must be proactive to help your kids understand how to develop healthy habits.
As soon as your child is old enough to understand that “germs are not our friend”, you should encourage your child to do the following:
This guest post was written by Efraim Landa
Efraim Landa is the founder of Effi Enterprises a Venture capital firm that funds medical start ups.
Diabetes is on the rise in the United States. According to the 2014 National Diabetes Statistics Report, nearly 10 percent of the American population has diabetes, and more than 8 million are yet undiagnosed. Diabetes is a medical condition that is characterized by elevated blood sugar levels. The levels of blood sugar in the blood are controlled by the substance insulin. Insulin is a necessary pancreatic hormone, but in diabetics, it is produced less often, or the body simply does not respond the way it should to that insulin. There are two types of diabetes: type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes is formerly known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is formerly known as adult-onset or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. There are a number of differences between these two types of diabetes. The first type of diabetes, type 1, typically occurs in childhood (but not always), and its causes are still unknown. Type 1 only accounts for between 5 and 10 percent of all diabetics. Type 2 diabetes typically occurs in adulthood (but can occur at nearly any age), and it is largely preventable. This article contains information on how to prevent the risk of type 2 diabetes.