Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

Tag: anti-aging

anti aging treatments
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back pain - scoliosis

Is Back Pain a Normal Sign of Aging?

We’ve all seen the pictures of the hunched-over elderly person who has to walk with a cane. It’s one of the first things that come to mind when we think of older folks’ ailments… back problems. But is back pain a normal sign of aging? Does it really have to be this way? Must we suffer with back problems, medical conditions of the spine, and back pain, just because we’re headed toward our senior years? The answer is an unequivocal ‘Absolutely not! Back pain is not an inevitable, unavoidable part of getting older. In fact, many people throughout the country find that ‘aging gracefully’ includes aging without having to suffer with it.

Cosmetic Treatments for Wrinkles

Things You Can Do To Prevent Aging

A variety of factors contribute to the skin’s natural aging process. But there are also a number of variables, which individuals cannot control such as genetics and environment. The natural aging process is nearly impossible to stop; with time, all complexions will begin to reveal blemishes, wrinkles, creases, and imperfections from a once radiant appearance. This process is called “intrinsic aging” and is largely influenced by our genes, making it near impossible to predict or prevent. Meanwhile, environmental factors such as sun exposure, air pollution and living conditions, coupled with lifestyle factors like diet and stress all contribute to premature aging.

It is not uncommon for both men and women to inquire about anti-aging treatment methods as early as their late twenties and early thirties. Some seek treatment to reverse or halt the aging process, while others contact a dermatologist about precautionary measures to avoid treatments later. Fortunately, there are treatment options to choose from plumping to tightening, which helps give the appearance of flawless, glowing skin. To help rejuvenate and turn back your body’s clock, consider the following affordable, non-cosmetic approaches that can make a significant impact on improving skin’s health, radiance and elasticity.

Is Joint Pain a Normal Part of Aging?

A famous person once said, “Time wounds all heels.” A clever twist on the old saying, ‘time heals all wounds.’ But how true is it? Is it necessary, as we age, for us all to feel the burden of time on our heels, our bones, our joints? Though it is a certainty that aging can cause joint pain, it’s not a foregone conclusion. Does time tend to break down our bodily processes and functions? Does it tend to lead to deterioration and disease processes that can cause joint pain? Absolutely. Does it have to be that way? Absolutely not. There are steps we can take to prevent joint pain from occurring or worsening as we age. Following is more information from orthopedic surgeons in New Jersey about the causes and effects of joint pain, as well as preventive measures we should all take as we grow older.