Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

Back Health

Causes of Back Pain in Men

Back pain is a very common problem for many individuals, especially among adults. However, it is much less likely that a man will seek the help of a spine surgeon than a woman will. Even though men are much more prone to developing back pain since their work commonly requires some form of manual labor, they seek medical attention less often. There are many different causes of back pain in men; some are as natural as aging while other causes can need surgery to correct. It is very important for men to seek medical attention of a spine surgeon to rule out anything serious. Here are some of the most common causes of back pain in men.

scoliosis spinal deformity

What is Sacroiliitis?

When one or both of the sacroiliac joints become inflamed it is called Sacroiliitis. The sacroiliac joints are where the lower spine connects with the pelvis. Since Sacroiliitis can cause pain in the lower back, it is often very difficult to diagnose as it can be mistaken as one of many other conditions. The pain that one experiences with Sacroiliitis can be aggravated by standing for long periods of time or by climbing stairs. There can be several components which work together to develop a treatment plan. For those who suspect they may have developed Sacroiliitis, it is important to discuss their condition with a NJ spine specialist.

Recovering from Back Surgery

Recovering from back surgery is certainly not a pleasant experience. Like other surgeries, it will simply take time to reap the full benefits of the surgical procedure. In many cases, patients think that the recovery period is the most challenging part of having the surgical procedure done. There are several things that patients can obtain prior to having the procedure done by a spine surgeon in NJ. Accumulating these items can help speed the recovery rate and help almost immediately upon returning home from the procedure.

What Are The Symptoms of a Herniated Disc?

A disc in your body is the cushioning pads that are between the bones that make up your spinal cord. The purpose of these discs is to support the movement in the spinal column and to support the impact your body experiences. The discs are constructed in a way that they resemble a jelly donut because they are soft in the middle and tougher on the outsides. When the middle portion of the disc ruptures it is called herniation.

The symptoms of a herniated disc can vary depending on where the disc is and how big it is. If you are lucky, and the herniated disc is not pressed up against a nerve, you may not have any symptoms whatsoever. However, it if it pressing up against a nerve, you will experience pain, numbness, or weakness in the part of the body that the nerve is connected to. Here are different symptoms that may be signs that you have a herniated disc.