Nothing can slow you down more than sluggish digestion. Okay, so regularity may not be the hot topic around the water cooler or at that trendy party you went to last weekend. But it’s definitely something that everyone in Queens, and throughout the country for that matter, thinks about on a regular basis. A slow digestive tract is sure to ruin what could otherwise be a dynamic afternoon loaded with fun and activity. And if you’re not getting enough fiber in your diet, you’re likely having more of those sluggish days than ever. Eating the proper amount of fiber is vital to well-functioning digestive organs. And, while a properly performing digestive system is critical to a well-functioning body, it’s not the only system in the human body that needs fiber. According to recent studies, fiber can lower the risk of myriad health problems, including heart disease and diabetes. Here’s more information from top GI doctors in Queens on the many health benefits of fiber and why you need to ensure that everyone in your family gets enough of it every day.


You know fiber is great for your digestion, but do you know why? It’s because fiber binds to the carcinogens found in many processed foods these days, and that gives it a powerful ability to bulk up food particles and push them and their stinking carcinogens through the digestive tract. Without the proper amount of fiber in your daily diet, you’re likely not moving waste through your intestines the way you need to, and that can leave unhealthy residue on the walls of the colon. It can also lead to hemorrhoids due to constipation and straining during bowel movements. This unhealthy combination is also a breeding ground for colon cancer.


Clinical trials have shown that eating fiber may prevent heart disease. The fiber found in healthy fruits and vegetables contains vital nutrients that the heart needs to thrive. Eating 4 to 5 servings of fibrous fruits and vegetables every day aids in proper blood flow to the heart muscle.

Cancer prevention

Recent studies suggest that fiber’s ability to advance waste through the digestive system may safeguard your body from certain types of cancer. Notable on this list are breast cancer, uterine cancer, and, not surprisingly, colon cancer.


Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Just as it’s a friend to other bodily organs, fiber is essential to your skin because it helps to flush harmful toxins from your body that could otherwise end up at your skin. One reason toxins affect the skin is because the body’s immune system typically sends vital nutrients to other organs first, such as the heart, lungs, and blood. For, without these functions in your body, naturally, proper performance is impossible. Therefore, even though it’s the body’s largest organ, the skin often gets shortchanged. To avoid this nutrient-robbing scenario on your skin, be sure to eat 4 to 5 servings of fibrous fruits and vegetables daily.


Without proper nutrition, your weight can fluctuate more than the New York Stock Exchange. Your body knows what it needs. It needs vitamins and minerals that help it to function properly and thrive. If it feels like it’s not getting what it needs, it causes you to get hungry. Have you ever sat down to eat a large meal, only to be hungry an hour or two later? Or, how about this scenario; you just downed an entire bag of potato chips, but you feel like you ate nothing at all! That’s because you’re not supplying your body with the nutrients it needs, regardless of having just eaten (probably more than you should have). Supply your body with the fiber it needs in foods like whole grains and fruits and vegetables, and you’ll feel full the way you should after you eat. Then, watch any extra weight evaporate, as your weight becomes correctly balanced and managed.

Undoubtedly, the health benefits of fiber are many. According to the website of the Mayo Clinic, men need as many as 38 grams of fiber daily, and women need between 21 and 25 grams of it every day in order to properly maintain their digestive health. Whether or not you find it an engaging topic of conversation, your digestive tract and its ability to maintain your regularity are a vital part of your overall health. For more information on the fiber content in the foods you eat, contact a GI doctor to discuss this and other important topics concerning your digestive health.

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