Winter in New Jersey can be a snowy wonderland. From fun family winter activities to cuddle time in front of…

Winter in New Jersey can be a snowy wonderland. From fun family winter activities to cuddle time in front of…
When it comes to skin types, it seems that for the most part, we always want that skin type that we don’t have i.e. oily-skinned teens pile on products to dry their skin to prevent breakouts, while mature women slather on cold creams and moisturizers to make their skin resemble a teenager’s. People have the opportunity to protect their skin from the harsh rays of the sun by using adequate sunscreen, yet often leave it unprotected to get a tan, thus creating skin that resembles shoe leather and risking skin cancer down the road.
If there were not a wide variety of skin types, the grocery stores and cosmetic counters would not be burgeoned with creams that promise rejuvenation, renewal and skin as soft and smooth as a baby’s bottom.
There is a fix for dry skin, if it is age that you are battling, and it comes in the form of spa treatments which provide the humidity that skin craves. These treatments open the pores to permit moisturizing products to work their magic.
As the weather goes through changes, so does the human body. When temperatures drop, many people report experiencing an unexpected and unpleasant change in their skin. It is common to develop itchy or dry skin during the frigid winter months. The hallmark symptoms of this condition include chapped lips, cracked hands, and tightness. While dry skin can be uncomfortable and bothersome, there are numerous steps to take that can alleviate and prevent uncomfortable, dull winter skin.
Dry skin doesn’t discriminate. It can affect any one of us at any time, and every season has its dry skin culprits. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to prevent dry skin that will help keep your skin soft, smooth, and flake-free. Dermatologists in New Jersey and throughout the country know that dryness is one of the most preventable afflictions of the skin. For this reason, some of the top dermatologists in the area have compiled a list of 10 things you can do to prevent dry skin.
Additionally, all the areas of skin on your body are not created equally. Different skin areas are susceptible to different kinds of threats and by varying degrees, depending on the season. For instance, if you live in a cold climate you likely have experienced dry skin in those harsh winter months. However, just because you’re a warm-climate dweller, doesn’t mean you also don’t experience your share of dry-skin issues. Dry skin can cause skin to age prematurely. The face, neck, chest area, and hands are especially susceptible to looking old before their time, particularly if you’re someone who loves spending time out in the sun. And sometimes those skin moisturizers can do more harm than good. Some skin products actually contain so many chemicals that your skin probably would be better off if you didn’t use them at all. Following is information from dermatologists in New Jersey about how to prevent dry skin throughout the year. For more info on preventing dry skin contact a dermatologist near you.
There are many ways to prevent dry skin besides being smart about sun protection, like applying sunscreen, wearing clothing that blocks the sun’s harmful UV rays or donning a floppy hat. Below are some helpful hints. That way you can stop blaming ol’ Sol, or your parents, for your dry skin woes. If you have dry skin and are looking for the best treatment options or if you want to keep your skin healthy as you age visit a top dermatologist in NJ today. A New Jersey dermatologist can help treat existing skin conditions and will work with you to prevent outbreaks in the future and keep your skin looking young for a long time.
You read that right… your skin is not only an organ, it’s the biggest organ in your body. Face it… your skin is everywhere! Regardless of your shape or size, your skin is huge. In fact, at this very moment, you’ve got about 19 million skin cells… per square inch … which equals about 20 feet of skin! And all those varied areas of skin all over your body can make it tough to care for, especially considering the fact that the skin in different areas of your body gets different types of exposures. That means that each area’s skin requires different types of care. Think about it. The skin on your face is vastly different from, say, the skin on your feet, isn’t it? Just one reason is because the skin on your face is constantly exposed to the world, whereas the skin on your feet isn’t. Another reason is because the skin on your feet gets a whole different kind of beating compared to that of your face. So what do you do to care for the various areas of skin located all over your body? Here are some tips from dermatologists about how to care for the many different types of skin your body contains.
Everyone loves the magic and allure of a winter wonderland, with its Christmas sparkle and rich, crystal beauty. But nobody loves what winter’s harsh winds and dry air can do to their skin. First, there are those harmful UV rays. Did you know they can age you faster than just about everything else? This is a fact, which is why you not only need sunscreen on those days you head out for a sunny day at the beach; you also need it through the winter to minimize the sun’s effects, especially for skin cancer prevention. Then there’s the cold. Those frosty winds whipping around your face and other skin surfaces can dry out your skin, leaving it rough and scaly. And, finally, because of all those frigid temps, you’re likely turning up the heat inside your home, which is like adding insult to injury on your poor skin cells. And there you have it… the perfect combination for turning soft, supple skin into a veritable alligator bag. Following are some tips from dermatologists in New Jersey on how to prevent sun damage to skin in winter.
Skin is a funny thing. We see it all day every day, but most of us probably don’t give our skin much thought most of the time (over and above those little signs of aging, that is). You see it every time you look in the mirror. You see it right in front of you all day long. In fact, your skin is probably one of the first things you see when you wake up in the morning.
But just how much do you really know about your skin? For instance, did you know that, like your heart, your liver, and your lungs, your skin is actually an organ? It’s true, but to be more precise, your skin just happens to be the largest organ in your body. And, besides being the human body’s largest organ, the skin has loads of other cool things going on, as it’s definitely one of the most fascinating organs in the body. Here are more fun facts about skin from top dermatologists in New Jersey that might just make you, well, jump out of your skin!