Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

GI Health

How to Prevent Gas

It’s Friday at your workplace and the boss is out for the day.  Someone suggests doing Mexican food for lunch and soon all the employees are making a mad dash for the door.  You feast on all that tasty fare and head back to work, however, the rest of the day you swig water until you are sure you can hear that water sloshing around inside of you.  Blame it on the spicy salsa and a few too many warm tortilla chips.  But, not only that, you want to loosen your pants because you feel like a balloon about to burst – must’ve been the refried beans!  Mexican food sure is tasty, but everyone jokes about beans and their aftereffects.

lifestyle medicine practitioner with patient

Common Causes of Tummy Ache in Children

When you are not feeling up to par, there are a few solutions available to remedy the situation:  1)  you wait it out and hope it goes away; 2) you Google to find the answer (and sometimes you feel worse after reading what those symptoms might really be; or 3) you take yourself to the doctor.

Babies and pets are the only ones who must suffer in silence because they are unable to tell you they don’t feel well.  An astute parent, or pet parent, notices a not-so-perky or listless demeanor or crying/whining and that is all you have to go on.

Toddlers or children are more vocal.  They’ll come up to you and say “I’ve got a tummy ache” and will point a chubby finger around the area of their bellybutton.  Well, that doesn’t help much, so, it is up to you to play detective and decide if the malady warrants a trip to the pediatrician, or even the E.R., or just a few days spent in bed.  Pain that is generally located around the center of the abdomen, or the bellybutton is considered “simple” abdominal pain.

Natural Ways to Prevent Constipation

Prevent ConstipationConstipation is a problem for many people, it is something that can have a direct impact on our overall health and can also cause long term damage to our bodies.  Constipation can be a sign of an unhealthy diet or stress or that you aren’t getting enough water or it can be a sign of another medical condition.  If you are constipated often you should go to a gastroenterologist in Flushing and get a check up.

The recent death of character actor, Abe Vigoda, caused the media to haul out sound bites and videos of some of his most memorable scenes.  Of course, there was dialogue of Vigoda playing Tessio in “The Godfather”, as well as his character Fish in the “Barney Miller” series.  But oddly enough, many of the sound bites and still shots of Fish in “Barney Miller” had that character’s hand dipping into a box of prunes while extolling their virtues.  He said “I’ve been eating prunes for 40 years.  When I was 13, I gave a girl a necklace of prune pits. Her mother thought I was into voodoo.”

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What Is a Celiac Disease Friendly Diet?

The word ‘celiac’ (Greek) literally means ‘relating to the abdomen.’ Celiac disease is a digestive disorder that occurs when wheat, pasta, breads, and other products that contain gluten irritate the small intestine. The word ‘gluten’ is derived from the Latin word ‘glue.’ It is a combination of plant proteins occurring in grains such as wheat, corn, barley, and rye. The word gluten is used in this way because it actually is an adhesive. Gluten is found in many processed foods in our American diet today. Surprisingly to many, it is also used in many medications, vitamins, and even lip balms. Those who suffer from celiac disease cannot consume gluten because it prevents nutrients from being absorbed into the body, thereby causing damage to the lining of the intestines. If celiac disease goes undiagnosed or untreated, it can lead to serious complications with other areas of the body, such as the nervous system, bones, and even the brain. Thankfully, though celiac disease is more common today than ever, it’s also true that many American food manufacturers are coming up with more foods that are friendly to those who suffer with celiac disease. Following is information from a gastroenterologist about the celiac disease friendly diet.

How to Reduce Risks of Stomach Ulcers

Lower The Risk of Stomach UlcersA stomach ulcer occurs when areas of the lining of the stomach or small intestine become eroded or worn away. Stomach ulcers can be very painful. They can also cause additional symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, bloating, and loss of appetite. Stomach ulcers can even lead to more serious medical conditions, including cancers of the stomach and digestive system. There are a number of known contributors to the development of stomach ulcers. These include poor diet, bacteria known as H. pylori (helicobacter pylori), use or overuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), consuming products with caffeine or carbonation, smoking, and excessive alcohol use. But there is good news about stomach ulcers. They are largely preventable. In many instances, all it takes is a little behavior modification here and there to reduce your risk of developing a stomach ulcer. Here are some tips from gastroenterologists on how to prevent stomach ulcers.

What Causes Stomach Ulcers?

Stomach UlcersMillions of Americans suffer from stomach ulcers. In fact, so many people in the U.S. have stomach ulcers that we’ve almost become desensitized to the seriousness of this medical condition. Stomach ulcers, sometimes also referred to as peptic ulcers, are worn or eroded areas of the lining of the stomach, esophagus, or small intestine. The term ‘stomach ulcer’ can be a catch-all phrase used by laypeople for a number of ulcerative conditions within the digestive system, but physicians do have more specific terms for them. When stomach ulcers are diagnosed, they are called gastric ulcers. When ulcers of the duodenum are diagnosed, they are referred to as duodenal ulcers. And when ulcers of the esophagus are diagnosed, they are referred to as esophageal ulcers. In layman’s terms, however, these oftentimes fall into the category of stomach ulcers. There are a number of causes or contributing factors to stomach ulcers, including age, smoking, bacteria, use of some medications, excessive alcohol use, and diet. Following is more detailed information from GI doctors regarding the causes of stomach ulcers, as well as measures that can be taken to prevent them.  If you think you have a stomach ulcer or are at risk of an ulcer you should contact a gastroenterologist in Queens.

Common Causes of Stomach Pain

Causes of Stomach Pain
Causes of Stomach Pain

Everyone has been through abdominal pain. The question becomes is this something due to temporary indigestion or is it something more serious? Without the diagnostic skills of your friendly gastrointestinal doctor in Queens what are the known symptoms of serious abdominal pain? And what are the causes of serious stomach pain?

Symptoms of Stomach Distress

Everyone has been through the kind of stomach pain that comes and goes. This is usually the result of either what we’ve eaten or if we’ve eaten too much. But there are more serious causes of stomach pain and these are defined as the more serious symptoms:

How to Maintain GI Health

GI HealthHow you feel can be a direct result of your gastrointestinal health. Your physical and emotional well-being, level of energy, and ability to perform your daily activities are directly linked to how effectively your digestive system is performing its job of flushing waste and toxins out of your body. Without a properly functioning digestive tract, the human body becomes a sluggish mess. If left untreated, all those toxins can cause serious complications to literally every organ and every system of your body. The fact is, though, that maintaining proper GI health often is a matter of making just a few adjustments to your lifestyle. If you’re feeling listless, heavy, and unable to enjoy everyday activities, your digestive system may need a little assistance. Following are some tips from GI doctors in Queens that can help you maintain proper GI health in order to get back to your regular, energetic self.