Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

Food Safety

proper nutrition

Health Benefits of Growing Your Own Food

Freshly Grown food
Freshly Grown food

Why organic and why freshly grown? With corporations producing most of our food, these days profit comes before quality. Most fruit and vegetables grown rely heavily on chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are widely used in crops these days to improve yield and obtain certain qualities in the crops. It is a very hot topic these days with many arguing the negative effects on our health.

The Best Way to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and VegetablesSit up straight and eat your vegetables!  How many times did Mom nag you with this line when you were growing up?  Well, now you’re all grown up, and, if you want to slump down at the kitchen table, or rest your head on your hand while downing your cornflakes… so be it.  But, when it comes to eating your veggies, take Mom’s advice to heart.

Produce packs a punch – it’s so easy to get the doctor-recommended two to seven servings of fruits and veggies daily, but to do so, what works best for you?  How do you get the most nutrients out of the produce you choose for your drinks, snacks and meals?

How to Avoid Consuming Pesticides

Avoid Consuming PesticidesIt seems these days you must think about everything that you eat or drink.  Back in the day, you ate most meals at home, and, when the family went out for dinner, the last thing you worried about was if you’d come down with botulism, E.coli or listeria symptoms before the evening was over.  Now, you must consider everything you put into your mouth.  And, then there are the recalls or bulletins about “undeclared allergens” that come to light, long after the product’s expiration date, or after you’ve already ingested them.

To be healthy, we are encouraged to eat whole grain products and colorful produce.  First Lady Michelle Obama has done a very good job of introducing the benefits of fruits and veggies taking up the largest portion of your food pyramid, and even kids have jumped on that bandwagon.

Healthy eating is one thing, but your daily health tip is to be mindful of the hidden dangers that come with supposed healthy eating.