Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

back pain and stress

Seasonal Back Pain

Why Does My Back Hurt?

Medical experts rank back pain as one of most common medical conditions, affecting an estimated 80% of all Americans at some point during their lives. What makes back pain particularly troublesome, is that it is a medical condition that affects people of all ages, genders, and ethnic backgrounds. But what exactly causes back pain?

An adult spine consists of a stack of 24 bones called vertebrae, plus the bones of the sacrum and coccyx. These bones support the human body and protect the spinal cord’s major column of nerve fibers connected to the brain. These fibers run through the vertebrae via the spinal canal. Between each vertebra are discs made of cartilage and filled with a gel-like material, these act similar to a shock absorber. Also, ligaments, muscles, tendons and small joints called facets help hold the vertebrae together.

back pain And pregnancy

How to Reduce Back Pain During Pregnancy

It seems kind of obvious but pregnancy puts a lot of strain on a woman’s back for a variety of reasons. Experts say that most pregnant women experience back pain and that this pain starts in the second half of the pregnancy. Pregnancy back pain starts where the pelvis meets your spine, at something called the sacroiliac joint. If you have any concerns about back pain and pregnancy you should consult a top spine specialist in New Jersey spinal specialists are experts at diagnosing and preventing back pain and they can suggest, pregnancy safe methods of preventing back pain during pregnancy. There are five common causes behind pregnancy back pain in women.