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Tag: dental treatment

Dental Health Tips for Summer

Dental Health Tips for SummerSummer’s here and the time may be right for ‘dancing in the streets,’ but it’s not right for skipping your dental routine. And it’s surely never the right time for experiencing problems with your teeth that will bring your summer fun to a screeching halt. Did you know that more people experience teeth problems in summer than any other time of the year? It’s true! In fact, summer is tops for dental health problems even if you factor in all the sweets folks eat at Halloween and through the Christmas holidays! Why, you ask? Simple. Because summer’s high activity levels—loaded with fun in the sun, parties, and vacations—often have folks like yourself too busy having a good time to stop and think about the foods they’re eating or their oral hygiene routines. That’s why cosmetic dentists in Clearwater have put together this valuable list of dental health tips for summer that will help you keep your teeth just as healthy in summer as in any other season of the year.

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental CrownsDental crowns have been around for years and have numerous restorative and cosmetic uses. The question is, how do you know if you have a tooth that needs to be capped and what kind of dental crown do you need?

One of the most common reasons for getting a dental crown is to prevent further decay or damage to a weak tooth.  A dental crown is placed over a tooth so it is able to protect the surface of a tooth and strengthen it so that it does not easily break.  On the cosmetic side, a dental crown can help to restore the appearance of a tooth that has already been damaged or worn down.  Likewise, if you have a tooth that is discolored or irregularly shaped, a dental cap can hide these flaws and make the tooth appear normal.

What Is A Root Canal?

Root CanalA root canal is the procedure done to save a badly damaged tooth. Whether it is caused by decay or infection, this procedure is needed in order to refrain from having to remove the tooth. During the procedure you will receive a local anesthetic in order to dull the pain while the root canal is taking place. This procedure can be done locally at a family dentist in Clearwater, Florida.

Root Canal Procedure

The root canal is the natural cavity within the tooth. Inside of the cavity also lies the soft area known as the pulp, and the tooth’s nerve. During the procedure, your family dentist or dental specialist will remove the pulp and the nerve from the inside of the damaged tooth. Contrary to what some may think, the removal of the nerve will not affect the everyday functions of the tooth. Its only purpose is to distinguish between the senses of hot and cold.