Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness


Health Benefits of Yogurt

YogurtUndoubtedly, yogurt has become one of America’s favorite foods. In a recent report from the market research company NPD (National Purchase Dairy), yogurt consumption has doubled since the year 2000, and there are no signs of its popularity slowing any time soon. In fact, data out of National Agricultural Statistics Services show that yogurt sales have risen by more than 100 percent in the new millennium, with profits for yogurt companies in the billions.  Throughout the country, yogurt is a fave of both young and old, not just for its creamy yumminess, but for its many health benefits as well. If you’re not a yogurt eater yet, the following information on the myriad health benefits that yogurt can offer might just change your mind.

How to Maintain GI Health

GI HealthHow you feel can be a direct result of your gastrointestinal health. Your physical and emotional well-being, level of energy, and ability to perform your daily activities are directly linked to how effectively your digestive system is performing its job of flushing waste and toxins out of your body. Without a properly functioning digestive tract, the human body becomes a sluggish mess. If left untreated, all those toxins can cause serious complications to literally every organ and every system of your body. The fact is, though, that maintaining proper GI health often is a matter of making just a few adjustments to your lifestyle. If you’re feeling listless, heavy, and unable to enjoy everyday activities, your digestive system may need a little assistance. Following are some tips from GI doctors in Queens that can help you maintain proper GI health in order to get back to your regular, energetic self.