Navigating Healthcare: A Guide to Modern Medicine and Wellness

Back Pain

Common Causes of Back Pain in Seniors

Chronic back pain is a common problem reported by about 50 percent of adults living in community care facilities, according to one study. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a disabling and challenging pain condition affecting older adults, who sometimes have to seek out professionals or the top spine specialist to find answers for their problems.

There are three primary reasons back pain tends to get worse with aging:

  1. Decreased muscle strength and mass associated with aging (sarcopenia).This could be due to a decrease in number of muscle fibers, the size of the individual fibers or both.
  1. Fast twitch fiber atrophy is also associated with aging. This results in slower muscle contraction but this can be reversed with training.
    1. Decreased muscle attenuation is associated with aging muscle.

Causes of Back Pain

Causes of Back PainNoted pundit Charles Barkley once divided the world into two camps: people who have bad backs and people who don’t. If you would like the relatively blissful existence of the latter, then you should take the advice of doctors, and spinal surgeons in NJ, about simple way to prevent back pain.

Here are five habits that put your back at risk and some simple strategies to stop them before the damage is done.

Common Treatments for Back Pain

Treatments for Back Pain
Treatments for Back Pain

Most adults in New Jersey and throughout the country have suffered from back pain at one time or another. If you’ve experienced back pain, you likely have searched high and low for back pain treatment to make it go away. Many types of back pain will relent within a few hours to a day, while others can continue for much longer and even become chronic. Thankfully, there are several effective back pain treatments, and the type of treatment depends on several factors, including the region of the pain, the level of pain, and the personal preference of the patient. Below is information regarding some of the more common treatments for back pain, including exercise and strength building, medications, physical therapy, injections, surgery, and sometimes, just plain rest is the key.

How to Avoid Back Pain

Avoid Back Pain
Avoid Back Pain

Back pain has become the most prevalent type of pain plaguing Americans. More than 100 million people throughout the country report having experienced back pain, with nearly half of those stating their pain occurs on a chronic basis. And back pain treatment in New Jersey has risen to the top of the list of all medical therapy. Some back pain is unavoidable, such as pain that comes with an accident or illness. However, other types of back pain can be alleviated, eliminated, or even avoided altogether. Measures taken such as exercising, correct lifting techniques, and using the proper chair can help stop back pain before it starts. Here are some steps you can take to ward off back pain, even if you’ve experienced it in the past.

Back Pain and Stress

Back Pain and StressEveryone in Israel has stress, and we all manage it differently. Some of us seem to handle it better than others. Often, though, we only look like we’re handling stress well, but what we’re really doing is pretending we don’t have it at all. Our work, our families, our stressful lives keep us on our toes, and nobody rises to the occasion better than Israelis. Unfortunately, ‘keeping on our toes’ can sometimes mean that stress takes its toll on our bodies, and what suffers, of course, is our health.

Back pain is one of the most prevalent symptoms of unresolved stress. And stress left unchecked can cause a myriad of health problems, often starting as mild pain and sometimes even growing into serious health issues. If you’re a back pain sufferer who deals with stress by concealing it from others … and even yourself … chances are great that your pain is a result of anxiety and stress.

How to Treat Upper Back Pain

upper Back Pain TreatmentsIf you’ve suffered from upper back pain, then you know what an obstacle it can be in your life, as it makes it harder to perform your normal activities of daily living. So many things you used to enjoy are now put on the back burner because of the discomfort you feel. And some days your upper back pain can be so debilitating, you feel like you can’t do anything but stay in bed. You avoid your life and your family altogether, just hoping to get some pain relief.

There are many causes of upper back pain. Some of them are less serious and can be treated conservatively. Stretching exercises, physical therapy, and over-the-counter medications can be effective treatments for upper back pain. And in other cases, conservative treatments are not enough, especially if your back pain is chronic or getting worse. We Germans, however, tend to suffer silently, going about our daily activities almost as though the pain will go away on its own. Unfortunately, upper back pain is not something that will just go away. It’s your body telling you that something is wrong, and you need to seek help.

Causes of Upper Back Pain

upper Back Pain CausesTrue, the upper back does not cause as many visits to the doctor as the lower back does. Because less motion occurs in the upper than the lower back, this area of the spine does not usually see as much instability as the lower back. However, just because upper back pain tends not to be as prevalent as lower back pain, upper back pain can be just as disruptive and even debilitating. For additional help in answering any question related to upper back pain contact a top back specialist in your area today.

The upper back, or the ‘thoracic spine’ (which literally means ‘pertaining to the chest’) is less likely to develop the more common spinal disorders such as ruptured or herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. These conditions can still, however, occur in the upper back, but are more rare. Because of the limited motion that occurs in the upper back compared to the lower, there is not as much risk of degeneration in this area.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower Back PainBack pain reportedly affects 80 to 90 percent of all Americans at some point in their lives. More than half of us in this country are suffering from lower back pain right now. And lower back pain does not discriminate … both men and women are generally equally affected. In fact, lower back pain is the fifth most common reason for doctor visits in the United States. Are you one of those people? Do you find that you can’t stand or sit for very long? Do you spend a lot more time in bed than usual, just to get a little relief from your lower back pain? Do you find yourself avoiding some of the things you used to enjoy, such as going to the gym or going for walks around your Essex County neighborhood with spouse or friends? Did you know that exercise can often help to relieve back pain, whereas bed rest can actually make it worse? The causes of lower back pain are many, but the good news is that there are things you and your doctor can do to alleviate or even eliminate your lower back pain.

Back Pain and Pregnancy

Back Pain and Pregnancy“Pregnancy is a construction zone going on in your belly!” Could anyone have put it better than TV’s Al Roker? Unfortunately, ‘constructing’ a baby not only affects a pregnant woman’s stomach, but literally every other part of her body as well. And nowhere is that felt more than in her back. If you’ve ever been pregnant, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that more than 70 percent of Essex County women have experienced back pain during pregnancy. Women can experience back pain at any time during pregnancy; however, it is most prevalent in the later months as baby’s weight increases. Back pain during pregnancy can affect your ability to perform your daily functions, your sleep, your health, and it can also affect your baby. What you may not know are the myriad causes, and maybe more important, the treatments.