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Are Spider Veins Dangerous?

Aging  and Spider VeinsSpiders may not be pretty, but most of them aren’t dangerous. And that’s true for spider veins as well. Spider veins in Northern New Jersey are those webbed, purplish veins that typically develop on the legs and feet. They’re rather unsightly, yes, and they sometimes keep you from wearing the clothes you like. But are spider veins ever dangerous to your health? Are spider veins the same as varicose veins? If you’re a person who has spider veins, or you know someone who has them and is concerned about them, following is more information on the threats to health that they can pose, as well as the risk factors for the development of spider veins and preventive measures that can be taken to avoid them.

Spider veins typically are caused by poor or inadequate blood circulation. It’s necessary as the heart pumps blood for it to move optimally through veins and blood vessels in order to flow to all the necessary parts of the body. If valves become faulty for some reason, blood can pool and become stagnate in veins. This can lead to the development of such venous conditions as spider veins and varicose veins. It’s important to note that there is a difference between spider veins and varicose veins, and that spider veins typically don’t lead to varicose veins. Spider veins look like a network of webby, purplish veins that generally show up on the legs and feet. They can, however, show up on other parts of the body that contain veins, such as on the face around the nose, chin, and cheeks. Spider veins are different from varicose veins because they don’t really bulge out like varicose veins do. Spider veins show up closer to the surface of the skin than varicose veins do, varicose veins can develop pretty deep into the skin. Additionally, though physicians and researchers may not always agree that spider veins can’t become varicose veins, it is true that spider veins don’t have to become varicose veins. It is proven, however, that varicose veins are a more dangerous health risk than spider veins. In fact, spider veins typically are harmless.

Spider veins rarely are accompanied by health risk. Most people who have developed spider veins on their legs or anywhere else on their bodies, including their faces, never have any other symptoms associated with their spider veins. Yes, spider veins aren’t pretty. In fact, they’re pretty ugly, and most people who have them likely want to get rid of them. However, spider veins don’t pose a health risk to most of the people who have them, regardless of where they are on their bodies. It’s important to note, however, that if you’re someone who has spider veins that become painful or cause other symptoms such as difficulty walking, heaviness in the legs, burning, itching, or throbbing, you should contact your physician or a vein treatment center immediately. Because spider veins are caused by faulty valves, inadequate circulation, and blood pooling, patients who develop any of the above associated symptoms should never take them lightly.

There are steps that can be taken to decrease the risk of developing spider veins in the first place. First, leading a healthy lifestyle that includes proper nutrition and regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to avoid getting spider veins. Because a healthy lifestyle helps to promote proper blood flow throughout the body, the chance a person will develop spider or varicose veins diminishes. Although heredity, hormonal changes, and pregnancy are al l risk factors for developing spider veins, taking necessary steps to avoid spider veins can help. Additionally, because a sedentary lifestyle and obesity are also risk factors for developing spider veins, it’s important to exercise regularly in order to promote optimal blood circulation. Also, because tight clothes can restrict proper blood flow through the body, avoidance of tight clothes, especially tight pants, is important. It’s also important to avoid wearing high heels. Compression stockings are helpful in promoting healthy blood flow and, for those whose jobs require them to sit or stand for long periods of time, it’s important to move around as much as possible in order to promote proper circulation.

Spider veins are aptly named because they typically form webs of bluish, reddish veins. The reason they look like this is because blood is pooling in damaged veins and becoming stagnate. This may sound dangerous, but in the case of spider veins, it’s usually not a huge deal. In fact, most people who have spider veins never have any pain or other associated symptoms. Of course, that doesn’t mean they want to live with those webby veins all over their legs forever. If you’re someone who has spider veins that you’d like to have treated, contact a vein center in Northern New Jersey to schedule a consultation regarding the various treatment options available.

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